
28 - May - 2020

A success story: Vidya's hands free sanitizer dispenser to hit market

A success story: Vidya's hands free sanitizer dispenser to hit market

Author: Arun KL

During these lock down days, Vidya Skill Centre and the NSS Technical Cell of Vidya jointly developed an interesting device: A hands-free sanitizer dispenser. To popularise it and to bring it to the public attention, the new device was distributed as Vidya's gift  …

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eSpiderZ crawls out of Vidya and goes all over Kerala!

eSpiderZ crawls out of Vidya and goes all over Kerala!

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

eSpiderZ "eSpiderZ" is an annual website creation competition conducted by the MCA Dept of the College. The Dept has been organising this contest  …

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Vidya's IEDC offers technical support to webinar series on COVID-19 pandemic

Vidya's IEDC offers technical support to webinar series on COVID-19 pandemic

Author: Dr. CK Raju

An 18-day interdisciplinary academic webinar from 24 May to 10 June 2020 scheduled daily from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm is underway discussing various topics under a broad theme of "Understanding Covid Pandemic"…

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Vidya faculty members attend online FDP by TCS

Vidya faculty members attend online FDP by TCS

Author: Chakola Paul Johny

A team of faculty members from Vidya attended a three-day Online FDP on "Machine Learning and Deep Learning” organized by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Kochi during 18 - 20 May 2020. The participants …

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CSE student develops online multiplayer game

CSE student develops online multiplayer game

Author: Shali KR

Now that most of people are staying at home, they're playing games with each other to connect. All must have played Dots and Boxes game (called Poojyam Vettu in Malayalam) in school during class time…

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Vidya faculty members participate in workshop on Data Analytics by Bennet University

Vidya faculty members participate in workshop on Data Analytics by Bennet University

Author: Dr.Ramani Bai V, Head-VCAIR

Vidya Centre for AI Research (VCAIR), in partnership with leadingindia.ai, has facilitated a workshop on Data Analytics offered by Bennett University…

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Students organise e-farewll to Ms Nitha K P

Students organise e-farewll to Ms Nitha K P

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai

Since a physical meetup was not possible due to the current lockdown situation, an online ceremony was arranged on 17 May 2020 by S8 B Tech (CSE - A) students to bid farewell to Ms Nitha K P …

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ECE faculty completes course on Java Programming

ECE faculty completes course on Java Programming

Author: Dr. Swapna Kumar S

  Ms Sruthi M (AP, ECE Dept) completed successfully a  30-hour of professional development course on " Java Programming" organised...

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ECE HoD completes five-day ATAL Academy FDP organised by NIT, Nagaland

ECE HoD completes five-day ATAL Academy FDP organised by NIT, Nagaland

Author: Dr. Swapna Kumar S

Dr S Swapna Kumar, Professor and Head, ECE Dept attended a five-day AICTE Training And Learning ...

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A week of competitions, contests and challenges by NSS

A week of competitions, contests and challenges by NSS

Author: Anil M

NSS volunteers of Vidya arranged a variety of competitions, contests and challenges on a daily basis during this period of lock down. Without sitting idle at home, they were trying to improve their creativity …

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Dance by siblings of Vidya catches attention of e-media

Dance by siblings of Vidya catches attention of e-media

Author: Arun KL

Sreedevi A J, an alumna of Vidya of B Tech (CE) 2019 pass out batch, and her younger sister Arya A J, student of S2 B Tech (CSE) batch, have made an amazing …

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ME faculty gives online training in facing interviews

ME faculty gives online training in facing interviews

Author: Dr Ramachandran N

In an effort to help students be better prepared while hunting for a job, Mr Hareesh K (AP, ME Dept) conducted an online training session on "Facing an Interview and Resume Preparation...

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